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Master’s Program in the Public Communication of Science, Technology, and Health

18 abr/2017

The Graduate Program in the Public Communication of Science, Technology, and Health offers a master’s degree that qualifies researchers to produce new knowledge meant to enhance dialogue between society and the fields of health, science, and technology and to foster new activities and strategies in the public communication of science. The program is conducted under a partnership between the Casa and the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Research Institute, the Museum of Astronomy and Related Sciences (MAST), the Cecierj Foundation, and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro’s House of Science.


Vanessa Fernandes Guimarães (coordinator)
Marina Ramalho (assistant coordinator)

Field of concentration 

Research is focused on exploring the national and international scenario in the public communication of science from a broad perspective, with an emphasis on transformations in the field. The program sponsors debates on emerging topics and theories and on related challenges with a view to stimulating critical thinking about the field’s chief contemporary models within multiple cultural and historical settings and contexts, principally in Brazil. The program also encourages students to critically analyze practices and policies in the public communication of science and propose initiatives that use the field’s diverse vehicles and languages.

Lines of research 

The master’s program has three lines of research: “Scientific culture and society” examines the cultural and social dimensions of science, technology, and health. “Education, communication, and mediation” explores the interface between education and communication in mediating between scientific knowledge and society. “Public and audience study” analyzes the various audiences targeted by educational and science communication activities.

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