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Cultural Heritage: History, Memory, and Society

This line of research equips students to problematize how we construct our recognition and valorization of certain records and objects as items to be preserved down through time. Its prime goal is to explore the concept of heritage and understand why modern societies assign particular objects to this category. Another major concern is understanding the relation between professional practices and the production of a material culture that ultimately serves as a kind of mediation for a memory of these practices in the past. This discussion emphasizes the interface between memory and heritage, especially material and immaterial culture in science and health, their mediations, and their importance to institutional processes.

This research line welcomes both work that reflects on how health precepts are translated in architectural production as well as work that can contribute to cementing a field of knowledge on the historical relations between architecture, health, and science, while also attending to the recognition of the heritage value of health buildings. The ultimate goal is to encourage reflection on preservation policies within the universe of heritage preservation, including the criteria used in selecting assets, the justifications for protection, and the actors in question, such as society itself and State agents.

Within this line, professionals are trained to work in areas related to cultural heritage in science and health within its various spaces, fields, and territories and through its diverse material forms. Another concern is heritage education in the public space of civil society in response to different social, professional, and organizational demands.

A further overriding goal is to contribute to issues of valorization, preservation, identity, and citizenship related to heritage work at public and private institutions and within social groups; initiatives in heritage education and the study of the public use of heritage through products such as exhibits, books, and other materials; and the valorization and dissemination of collections. Comparative research is also welcome, for example, research on Luso-Brazilian cultural heritage. Lastly, this line of research endeavors to discuss the preservation and management of cultural heritage in science and health from the perspective of its construction.


Cultural Heritage: Preservation and Management

This line of research fosters studies and products that address today’s debate about the management of cultural heritage, including the operations, procedures, and actors involved in producing, establishing, organizing, using, and safekeeping the institutional and personal archives that have gained form through practices related to the fields of science and health.

One topic of special interest are the points of convergence and divergence between models of institutions that safeguard collections, as explored through studies on the acquisition, documentation, conservation, and restoration of cultural assets and the organization of, access to, and dissemination of archives and document collections that make up heritage in science and health. In order to endow students with a critical, nuanced understanding both of the disciplinary logic underpinning institutions that safeguard collections as well as of their management methodologies and techniques, this line of research promotes critical reflection on the application of the concepts of record, documentation, archive, collection, and information at the level of the institutions that hold and disseminate historical collections: archives, libraries, museums, and centers for documentation.

Another topic of interest refers to the planning and management of initiatives to mitigate the deterioration of material heritage, such as risk management for preventive conservation to reduce the need for the restoration of cultural assets. In terms of the organization of collections, there is a focus on theory and methodology in the technical treatment of archives and collections as regards their informational dimensions, including the identification of record content and context, along with classification, cataloguing, description, and online placement of cultural assets.

Students are encouraged to engage in reflective thinking and are taught the technical skills needed to manage collections of historical value. This two-pronged educational approach furnishes students with the tools needed to identify the historicity of objects and records; the context in which they were produced, used, and circulated; and the aspects that classify them as objects of cultural heritage worth preserving. Students leave the program highly qualified to develop integrated projects for organizing and accessing cultural heritage and conserving and preserving it.


 Alda Lúcia Heizer
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PhD in Geosciences (Unicamp, 2005).
Research interests: history; science; heritage.
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foto AlineAline Lopes de Lacerda
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PhD in Social History (USP, 2008)
Research interests: history and archival science, with focuses on photography and history and on photography and archives.
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foto de Ana LuceAna Luce Girão Soares de Lima
ana.girãThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PhD in the History of the Sciences (Fiocruz, 2009)
Research interests: history and memory, with an emphasis on history of science and health, focusing on the history of scientific institutions the preservation of health science collections.
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 Foto de Carla CoelhoCarla Maria Teixeira Coelho
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PhD in Architecture and Urban Planning (UFF, 2018).
Research interests: the preservation of cultural heritage, with a focus on the preventive conservation of cultural assets.
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Foto de Gisele Porto SanglardGisele Porto Sanglard
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PhD in the History of the Sciences and Health (Fiocruz, 2005)
Research interests: social assistance; philanthropy; the history of health in Brazil; the history of health institutions; culture and society; health heritage.
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Foto de Inês El-Jaick AndradeInês El-Jaick Andrade
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PhD in Architecture and Urban Planning (USP, 2009).
Research interests: the preservation of cultural heritage; the valorization of heritage; urban conservation; historical gardens; historical archeology.
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 Luciana Heymann
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PhD in Sociology (IUPERJ, 2009)
Research interests: personal archives; memory institutions; public policy on memory; the use of the past in the context of human rights struggles.
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Foto de Marcelo PelajoMarcelo Pelajo Machado
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PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology (Fiocruz, 2001).
Research interests: Scientific Heritage and Management and Preservation of Biological Collections.
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Foto de Marcos JoseMarcos José de Araújo Pinheiro
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PhD in Production Engineering (UFRJ, 2009).
Research interests: Cultural heritage; preventive and integrated conservation; risk management; cultural policies and policies in the preservation of cultural heritage; education, labor, and memory.
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Foto de Maria TeresaMaria Teresa Villela Bandeira de Mello
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PhD in History (UFF, 2007).
Research interests:
collection management; historical archives; documentation; visual culture; photography and archives; history; and archival science.
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Paulo Roberto Elian dos Santos
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PhD in Social History (USP, 2008).
Research interests: scientists’ personal archives; the management of archives at science and technology and health institutions; the history of archival science in Brazil.
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Rafael ZamoranoRafael Zamorano Bezerra
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PhD in Social History (UFRJ, 2014).
Research interests: contemporary history; history museums; historical heritage; writings on history at museums; collecting.
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Foto de Renato da Gama RosaRenato da Gama Rosa Costa
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PhD in Urban Planning (UFRJ, 2006).
Research interests: Rio de Janeiro; history, architecture, and urban planning; cultural heritage; the architecture of health and history institutions; urban history.
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Sandra Cristina Serra Baruk
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Master’s degree in Visual Arts (UFRJ, 2010).
Research interests: the conservation and preservation of collections; photography and the arts.
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Sônia Aparecida Nogueira
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PhD in Labor and Education (UFF, 2012).
Research interests: heritage education.
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Lucieni de Menezes Simão
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PhD in Anthropology (UFF, 2008)
Título do Projeto: F
itovida Network Memory House: associative strategies of community health groups in search of the register of intangible heritage
COC / Fiocruz
Currículo Lattes



Pedro Jurberg
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PhD in  em Neurobiology (UFRJ, 1992)
Título do Projeto: 
The remnants of the Manguinhos Massacre
Currículo Lattes




Prospective students residing abroad may apply to the PPGPAT master’s, which will be evaluated by the Graduate Committee.

The proposal must meet the following requirements:


Preliminary master’s thesis proposal, 6 to 10 pages long (formatting: 1.5 spacing, body font 12). Please submit five copies. The proposal must include:

. Introduction and justification of the proposed research topic

. Explanation of how the topic relates to one of the PPGPAT lines of research

. Review of the bibliography pertaining to the proposed topic

. Preliminary indication of document sources


Deadline for submission of proposals: Nevember 08

Results: December 17

School year begins: March


Candidates residing abroad who submit their application by May 1 may also apply for a grant from PEC-PG (Programa de Estudantes-Convênio de Pós-Graduação).

The PEC-PG program is run jointly by the Coordinating Agency for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). The grant is intended to afford students from developing nations an opportunity to pursue graduate studies at the master’s and PhD level at colleges and universities in Brazil. See

For further information on countries included in the program and on selection criteria, consult the manual at

Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese Language for Foreigners (CELPE-Bras)


A postdoctoral fellowship at PPGPAT affords an opportunity for researchers to conduct original research and engage in scholarly exchange with faculty and students.

The candidate’s project proposal must be submitted to the Office of the Program Chair by a PPGPAT faculty member. If the proposal is approved, this same faculty member will be responsible for supervising the fellow and making him or her part of the faculty member’s research group.

The PPGPAT Graduate Committee will evaluate the proposal from the perspective of the program’s lines of research.


Master’s Curriculum






Period Public policies and cultural heritage legislation

(04 credits)


Cultural heritage perspectives

(04 credits)








The student must fulfill 08 (eight) credits in electives / Special Topics or in external discipline.





Seminar on Project Development I

(06 credits)


Theory and methodology of research

(04 credits)




Seminar on Project Development  II *

(06 credits)


Special topics in cultural heritage I

(02 credits)


Special topics in cultural heritage II

(02 credits)




Seminar on Project Development III

(16 credits)





Total: 48 credits


* Period of accomplishment of the Exam of Qualification that must be done until the last business day of april.

The Registrar’s Office (room 420) provides students with information, clarifications, and support. The office also handles official requisitions and other documents of an academic or administrative nature. Students who have requests regarding academic concerns should file the appropriate form, which can be obtained through the Registrar’s Office, this site, or Fiocruz’s academic administration site, SIGA (Sistema de Gestão Acadêmica/Fiocruz).

OPENING HOURS: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Av. Brasil, 4036 - 4º fl - room 420
Tel.: (+55 21) 3882-9093; 3882-9095 or 3882-9096 
Tel: (+55 21) 2590-5192
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The program has two classrooms (401 and 402), each of which holds 35 students. Both provide TV, DVD, sound, and data-show equipment. By opening a divider, the two rooms become an auditorium that seats 70. Other program rooms include the Registrar’s Office (420), the Office of the Program Chair (407), and two rooms for short courses or meetings.

The student room (421) has six computers connected to the Internet and the Fiocruz intranet, as well as lockers for storing material. Students can access the CAPES Journal Portal here. The computers are also linked to the Printing and Binding Service, located next door, where black-and-white photocopies can be purchased for a small fee. The student room is open Monday through Friday from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm.

The Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, with which the PPGHCS is affiliated, has an archives and a library on the history of the sciences and health. Students also have access to the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation Library Network, which comprises ten interlinked facilities.

A restaurant is located in the PPGHCS building. A shuttle service operates between the building and the main Fiocruz campus, where bank branches, postal services, restaurants, and an urgent care clinic can be found.

More information on infrastructure and services available at the PPGHCS building and the Fiocruz campus can be found on the Public Services page.


The Casa de Oswaldo Cruz opened the doors of its Graduate Program in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health in 2016.  Its Professional Master’s Degree program has been approved and recommended by the Brazilian Federal Agency for the Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES), which awarded it a grade of 4. Using an interdisciplinary approach, the program equips professionals with the skills needed to apply theoretical knowledge to the development of innovative methods and techniques used in managing the preservation and conservation of cultural heritage in the sciences and health.

Designed to stimulate interaction among different fields of study, the program trains outstanding professionals to approach cultural heritage with fresh insights. It encourages interdisciplinary discussions about the value of managing and preserving Brazil’s cultural heritage in health and the biomedical sciences. Part of this endeavor is to identify and analyze collections and their knowledge bases, creating new pathways in research and knowledge production. By affording an integrated, historically constructed vision of culture and stimulating group and individual interactions within the social process, interdisciplinarity guides students to make optimal use of methods, techniques, and practices in the preservation and management of heritage, whether in the form of records, architecture, or tangible and intangible heritage.

The program is tailored especially for individuals who hold degrees in the human sciences, applied social sciences, and health sciences and who are current or potential employees of federal, state, or municipal agencies; institutes or hospitals; and archives, museums, libraries, or documentation centers assigned to preserving cultural heritage in the realm of science and health. It is also directed at private, nongovernmental agencies that need to train their personnel to work in the production, preservation, and management of architectural assets and records collections.

Within its focus on the preservation and management of cultural heritage, the program explores two lines of research: Cultural Heritage: History, Memory, and Society; and Cultural Heritage: Preservation and Management.

It is a full-time course and offers fifteen openings per year.

Students who fulfill formal requirements receive a Master’s Degree in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in Science and Health.



Renato da Gama-Rosa Costa

Adjunct Coordinator

Ana Luce Girão Soares de Lima

Graduate Committee

Aline Lopes de Lacerda

Laurinda Rosa Maciel

Sônia Aparecida Nogueira

Rosana Soares Zouain (student body representative)






The program collaborates with the Department of Applied Social Sciences at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with which the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz has maintained an international cooperation agreement for five years through its graduate program in the History of the Sciences and Health. The purpose of this collaborative relationship is to develop a scientific and technical culture where students can acquire an active critical and reflective attitude about the role of science and technology in contemporary society, as part of the debate over the cultural heritage of science. It also provides students with a point of departure for coming to understand their working world, in both economic and organizational terms.

The program also has a partnership with the Universidade Católica Portuguesa at its Porto and Braga campuses. Important work is currently being carried out at the School of Art in Porto, particularly by its Department of Conservation and Restoration, which is noted for its emphasis on various aspects of heritage, such as the decorative arts, architecture, ethnography, and even archeology. Through this collaborative relationship, the program benefits from the Porto department’s valuable experience in the preventive conservation of immovable, integrated assets. Likewise vital is the application of microbiological research to studies and initiatives in the conservation of assets. This working relationship provides knowledge and experience not offered by other courses in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The partnership with the School of Arts especially helps broaden discussions in the field of Cultural Heritage: Preservation and Management.






The program maintains cooperative agreements with a number of teaching and research institutes based in Rio de Janeiro: the Botanic Gardens Foundation; Casa de Rui Barbosa Foundation; and National Arts Foundation (FUNARTE). Some of our guest professors and tenured faculty members come from these institutes. These longstanding collaborative relationships with the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, as well as with its parent institute, Fiocruz, have already born fruit in the form of joint academic, technical, and artistic production. One example was the seminar “Documental Heritage in Perspective,” organized by the program and held on November 17, 2017, at the Fiocruz campus in Manguinhos. The event was part of the 7th Fluminense Heritage Week, coordinated by the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, which brought together a number of institutions that hold and manage cultural heritage in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

In 2017, the program assumed management of Docomomo-Rio, a nongovernmental organization that registers and conserves buildings, farms, and surrounding areas that were erected from the 1930s through 1960s as part of Brazil’s modernist movement. In Rio de Janeiro, some major examples include projects by the Carioca School, such as work by Oscar Niemeyer, Affonso Eduardo Reidy, the Roberto Brothers, Burle Marx, Jorge Moreira, and Jorge Ferreira Sérgio Bernardes. At the 12th Docomomo Seminar of Brazil, held in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, in November 2017, the Docomomo-Rio de Janeiro steering committee was elected to coordinate the group’s national management for 2018-2019, a task previously based at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, in Recife. Consequently, since January 1, 2018, the program has been responsible for the National Coordination of Docomomo Brasil, working jointly with the Graduate Program in Urban Planning at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro’s School of Architecture and Urban Planning. This is expected to afford tighter ties with regional and international research groups, to the benefit of the master’s program, particularly by stimulating research in the area and therefore helping the course incorporate effective strategies in the preservation and safekeeping of modern buildings.



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